Academic presentations
Krivoshchekov, V. & Kotluk, N. (October 2024). Navigating social emotions and masculinities in engineering team projects
BeLEARN Association, Bern, Switzerland
Krivoshchekov, V. (June 2024). Traditional masculinity, men's sexism and violence against women: A meta-analysis.
G-VERSITY Final Conference, Bern, Switzerland
Krivoshchekov, V. (July 2023). Passion is key: High emotionality in diversity statements promotes organisational attractiveness
19th General Meeting of European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland
Krivoshchekov, V. (June 2023). Passion is key: High emotionality in diversity statements promotes organisational attractiveness
Swiss Leadership, Inclusion, and Diversity Summit, Zürich, Switzerland
Krivoshchekov, V. (May 2023). Greater emotional expressivity in diversity statements makes organisations more attractive
Diversity in Organisations: Exploring New Horizons Together, ULB Brussels, Brussels, Belgium.
Krivoshchekov, V. (June 2022). Making a good case for gender diversity – Pathbreaking organisational communication
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Krivoshchekov, V. (April 2023). Making a good case for gender diversity – Pathbreaking organisational communication.
G-VERSITY 3nd Workshop poster session, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Krivoshchekov, V. (May 2022). Traditional masculinity and male violence against women: A meta-analysis.
Virtual conference "Family in a situation of social crisis and uncertainty."
Krivoshchekov, V., Graf, S., Sczesny, S. (April 2022). Making a good case for gender diversity – Pathbreaking organisational communication.
G-VERSITY 2nd Workshop poster & presentation session, Venice, Italy.
Krivoshchekov, V., Gulevich, O. (September 2021). Perceived Autonomy and Political Trust across Europe: Multi-level Evidence.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Krivoshchekov, V. (February 2020) Discourses of Sexuality Education in Russian-language Media Resources.
Annual poster session at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Krivoshchekov, V. (April 2019). Caregiving and Breadwinning Fathers: Gender Stereotypes and Evaluation of Men.
XX International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, Russia.
Krivoshchekov, V. (May 2018) Connection between Attitudes toward Men and Evaluation of Men Performing Different Family Roles.
Contemporary Issues in Psychological Science, Moscow, Russia. (best presentation award)
Public outreach
My own blog Telegram-channel Men & Masculinities ~ 1600 subscribers
Popular feminism and misogyny aka how social media divides us (March 2024). Hanna D Szabó Blog
Be a man. How masculine norms in Russia affect people, society, and war. (February 2024). Novaya Gazeta Europe
The Power of Emotional Signals in Organizational Diversity Statements. (January 2024). SPSP Character & Context Blog.
The hitchhiker's guide to patriarchy: what it is and what consequences it leads to (November 2023). Nuzhna Pomosh Foundation.
How does science study men? (November 2023). Skazki Razuma Podcast.
How do organisations talk about "Diversity"? (October 2023). G-Versity blog.
When The Roads Do Not Cross: Gender Equality And Environmental Sustainability Communication Across Europe. (May 2023).
G-Versity blog.
Emotions show that you care about diversity. (March 2023). G-Versity blog.
The importance of research on men and masculinities podcast. (January 2023). G-Versity blog.
Who or what needs to be "fixed": People or a system? (December 2022). G-Versity blog.
"How does propaganda use the image of "kuzmichi" to manipulate men?" (November 2022). Verstka.
Consultant for the documentary "How to Become a Man" (2022).
Scientific journals about men and masculinities. (October 2022). G-Versity blog.
"What do we know about masculinities?" (May 2022). UralKalia corporate podcast.
Gender and emotional behaviour. (February 2022). V-A-C Foundation.
How ideas about men are changing in an era of gender equality. (February 2022). Budet Tolk.
Is traditional masculinity still valued? (February 2022). G-Versity blog.
Fear of losing your job and wife: why men are afraid of the "new" masculinity. (November 2021). Forbes Russia.
Men and gender equality. (October 2021). Moscow Malefest.
Social psychologist: "gender stereotypes limit human potential", (March 2021). Blog of an evil culturologist
“Girl, gather borscht”: gender education in Russian kindergartens. (March 2021).
Women's war and the new masculinity: Discourses around gender in 2020. (December 2020). She said, He said Podcast
Do men experience any discrimination and sexism? (December 2020). Moscow MaleFest.
Men & Masculinities Studies. (September 2020). Podcast Instudies.
Contemporary masculinity: What is it and what do psychologists need to know about it? (August 2020). HSE Psychology alumni association.
Contemporary masculinity: What does it mean to be a man in the contemporary world? (August 2020). HSE Lectorium.
Changing (S)expectations: Myths and reality of gender-inclusive language. (February 2020). Gaidar's Foundation
How do sexists treat gay people? (May 2019). Science Slam.
Is it worth using new feminitives? (February 2019). Space Politics.